Infancy Vaccination
The aim of immunization is to prevent the development of vaccine-preventable diseases in infants and children and to prevent death and disability from these diseases.
Immunization protects your baby from diseases that can even be fatal but are easily preventable with vaccination.
Today, these diseases have been greatly reduced thanks to high coverage immunization efforts.
A vaccination schedule is a plan that shows which vaccines your baby should receive and on which date. With this calendar, you can easily keep track of your baby’s vaccinations. Click here for the national childhood vaccination schedule in Turkey.
It is very important that vaccines are administered on time and at appropriate intervals so that your baby is protected as soon as possible. When it is time for vaccination, you can contact your family doctor and have your baby vaccinated free of charge.
The vaccines administered should be recorded on an individual vaccination card, which should be kept in a safe place.
By vaccinating your baby, you can prevent him/her from getting the following diseases.
BCG Vaccine: Protects against tuberculosis.
Hep-A Vaccine: Protects against hepatitis A infectious jaundice caused by the hepatitis A virus.
Hep-B Vaccine: Protects against hepatitis B, an infectious jaundice caused by the hepatitis B virus.
DaBT-IPA-Hib (quintuple mixed vaccine): Protects against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio (polio) and Hib meningitis.
MMR (measles-mumps-rubella-mumps) Vaccine: A combined vaccine that protects against measles, rubella and mumps.
VZV (Chickenpox Vaccine): Protects against chickenpox.
OPA: Protects against polio (polio).
KPA: Protects against invasive pneumococcal diseases such as pneumococcal pneumonia and pneumococcal meningitis.